4 Ways a Lack of Sleep Makes Your Mind Act Crazy

4 Ways a Lack of Sleep Makes Your Mind Act Crazy

Lack of Sleep can affect the Mind.

Not getting enough sleep can impact your judgment, work, or school performance, mood — and not in a good way

Good sleep is linked to better cognition, alertness, and emotional well-being.  Most people need 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night to be at their best.  A lack of sleep can hurt work or school performance, and lead to mood problems like anger and depression.

Your today starts the night before. Getting the right amount of sleep is important so you wake up happy and ready to take on the day

Remember, your today started last night!  Getting the right amount of sleep is important so you wake up happy & are ready to take on the day.

Sleep actually improves learning, memory, and insight.  The body is literally repairing and restoring itself during sleep. Without it, you can’t do what you want — physically or mentally.

People who are sleep deprived often say they feel “foggy.”  Here are some reasons why.

1. Sleepiness slows down your thought processes.

Scientists measuring sleepiness have found that sleep deprivation leads to lower alertness and concentration. It’s more difficult to focus and pay attention, so you’re more easily confused. This hampers your ability to perform tasks that require logical reasoning or complex thought.

Sleepiness also impairs judgment. Making decisions is more difficult because you can’t assess situations as well and pick the right behavior.

Being tired makes it that much harder to concentrate and think clearly

Being tired makes it that much harder to concentrate and think clearly

2. Excessive sleepiness impairs memory.

Research suggests that the nerve connections that make our memories are strengthened during sleep.

Different phases of sleep play different roles in consolidating new information into memories. If your sleep is cut short or disrupted, it interferes with this process.

Good sleep helps your memory lays the foundationto a great day.

Good sleep helps your memory lays the foundation to a better day.

3. Poor Sleep makes Learning harder.

Sleep deprivation affects your ability to learn in two ways. Because you can’t focus as well, it’s more difficult to pick up information, so you can’t learn efficiently. It also affects memory retention, which is essential to learning.

Its hard to learn when you are so tired, more sleep helps you do better in the classroom or at work

It’s hard to learn when you are tired, more sleep helps you do better in the classroom or at work

Teens especially can lose the focus and memory capacity to perform well in school when they don't get enough sleep.

4.  Slowed Reaction Time

Sleepiness can dull your senses making your reaction time slower, a particular problem when driving, at work or doing other tasks that require a quick response.

Its hard to drive when you are tired.  Your reaction time slows down making it easier to get in an accident.

It can be dangerous or harder driving when you are tired.  Your reaction time slows down making it easier to get in an accident.

Quick reactions are essential when on a bike - especially when riding and e-bike in New York City

Quick reactions are essential when on a bike - especially when riding and e-bike in New York City

Do yourself a favor — think twice before watching late night TV — Your mind and body will thank you — you can always record and watch later or on-demand :) You will most probably have a much, much better today.

Think of it this way. "Your Today Started — last night!

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