Rosé Picks Paired for the Women of Game of Thrones you should try
Game of Thrones Rosé Wine Picks
ROSÉ BUYING UPDATE: Many of these Rosé Wines are now available for at your local Whole Foods or you can order them online at via any of the links below and get unlimited free shipping for your wine purchases for $49/year.
Game of Thrones (GOT) is over but WOW the GOT women put in a day’s work. Smart, Brave, Powerful, Surprising they often overshadowed their male counterparts. To kick off a season of Rosé drinking, we paired each personality with the rosé you should enjoy to capture their characters’ spirit. Have fun with this, be responsible and be inspired by the character you want to be as you sip some awesome rosé wine this summer. [Editor’s Update] Even though the Series is now over, these picks still hold true to the rosé wines and their character’s namesake – even though Winter is Coming!
Daenerys Targaryen aka Emilia Clarke
Matchbook Rosé: Always sure to bring the fire, Daenerys probably would never need matches, but this rosé feels right for Daenerys to kick back with.
Cersei Lannister aka Lena Headey
Secret Indulgence Digression Rosé
Secret Indulgence Digression: The name pretty much sums up Cersie & Jamie’s relationship, it seems a rosé was made for them! Cool! Don’t think Cersie ever hesitates to Dare to Digress.
Sansa Stark aka Sophie Turner
Hampton Water: Sansa Stark really was supposed to end up living the Hampton life if only Joffery had not gotten in the way. She ended up in a different direction which we think makes her a Dark Horse in the running for the throne or at the very least be the real power in the North. Lucky we found just the rosé for her new style Dark Horse Rosé. [Editor’s Update] Turns out we were partly right on this one.
Ayra Stark aka Maisie Williams
Decoy Rosé: Need we say more, Ayra has become brave adventurer, an expert killer and assassin with amazing decoy skills – just ask the Night-King. Now she has her own rosé wine it seems.
Yara Greyjoy aka Gemma Whelan
White Girl Rosé: Yara is the perfect example of a powerful woman, fiercely loyal and committed. This rosé wine describes her simple way of life, just a girl with Iron Islands dreams on Game of Thrones. (GOT)
Ygritte aka Rose Leslie
We chose Sunseeker Rosé. Ygritte may have died but IRL she was a big winner with Kit Harrington (Jon Snow). After being in the north for so long, this rosé captures her inner soul.
Brienne of Tarth aka Gwendoline Christie
Banshee Rosé: Have to believe the crew of Banshee would have wanted Brienne to be part of their team. They would have liked her – a true fighter, a promise keeper and so very loyal to the absolute end.
Osha aka Natalia Tena
Spy Valley Rosé: Osha spent a lot of time deciphering Bran’s strange dreams and visions. She knew more than most everyone but never let-on, kinda like a spy? Perfect. Oh and she did try to kill Ramsey Bolton – shame she missed but a good try none the less.
Gilly aka Hannah Murray
Angels & Cowboys Rosé: Gilly has had to forge her own way, staying strong but sweet. A powerful, delicate combination to be sure. This fits her. And by learning to read she did find the clue to the true heir to the Iron Throne after-all. Once that genie got out of the bottle there was definitely no putting it back.
Missandi aka Nathalie Emmanuel
Gaia Rosé: a rosé wine from Greece that seems chic and exotic, just like Missandi. And a little mysterious. Would like to imagine she got her wish and returned to see the beaches of Naath together with Greyworm maybe enjoying a glass of Gaia Rosé.