Proform Pro 2000

Proform Pro 2000
The Pro 2000 treadmill powered by iFit, has a 10-inch full HD touchscreen with a 12% running deck incline AND a negative 3% decline.
This tread comes with a wide 20” x 60” running deck with ReBound cushioning to reduce stress on knee, hips and ankle joints — plus a fan built in to keep you cool. Running or walking at an incline burns more calories and this treadmill supports both inclines and simulates running downhill to strengthen glute and quads. The Pro 2000 is commercial grade recommended for heavy use!
If you are looking for a solid treadmill at an entry level price under $1,500 the Proform Pro 2000 is a good choice, as part of your weight loss and fitness goals, packed with options whether you power walk, jog or run.
This treadmill folds up to save space when not in use. 30 days of iFit included with the Pro 2000. Access trainer-led Live Studio & On Demand Destination Classes Streamed directly to its 10-Inch HD touchscreen.
10” HD TOUCHSCREEN • 30 DAYS iFIT • 12% INCLINE • -3% Decline
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