Exercise Everyday with Nordictrack Exercise Equipment
Why You should Regularly Exercise
The American Heart Association is now recommending most healthy adults commit to some daily exercise routine. The Mayo Clinic recommends these exercise guidelines:
AEROBIC ACTIVITY. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. The guidelines suggest that you spread out exercise over the week.
STRENGTH TRAINING. Do strength training exercises at least two to three times a week. Do a single set of each exercise using a weight or resistance level heavy enough to tire your muscles after 12 to 15 repetitions.
““With the new High Blood Pressure guidelines from the American Heart Association, an additional 31 million more Americans have been added to a group that now totals over 100 million as having high blood pressure. This newly diagnosed group will be asked to commit to daily exercise and some lifestyle changes. ”
This is a real issue If you're not sure where to start. One of the most common stumbling blocks for many who have not worked out lately or for some do not know how to work out or what to do. By this, we mean setting the appropriate pace, when to change it up, the correct form, and so on. Without some guidance you can, at first easily over do-it or worse get hurt — then you stop. And it's not too much fun at the beginning reactivating dormant muscles, plus there’s the tracking of your activity/progress — so many quit for one reason or another before they get a real chance to see progress and to feel the results.
So, who has the time? And getting to the gym adds at least 30 minutes to the whole gig – crazy. Plus, it's easy to put off a gym workout, you have to get there, find open equipment, get motivated — Waste time deciding your plan of attack; what to do, equipment to use, etc... and finally — the difficult part — put aside the to-do list. Yikes!
One good answer is to add exercise equipment to your home gym or create a workout space with the latest fitness-connected technology powered by iFit.
iFit enhances your exercise equipment, offering personal interactive training, with studio classes and on-demand trainer-led destination workouts that supports multiple types of equipment from treadmills, indoor rowers, exercise bikes, ellipticals, and strength trainers.
Curated trainer-led workouts sync with your iFit enabled RW900 Rower, Treadmill, S22i Studio Bike, Fusion CST or X22i incline treadmill - to give you personalized interactive training at home
iFit Connected Fitness
One of the best options is to use the latest exercise equipment at home. The newer exercise gear is now hi-tech, smart, and connected — and, come with wide HD touchscreens or support tablets and other smart devices that can sync up with your equipment of choice, whether it be a bike, rower, or treadmill or elliptical.
Select from a wide library of studio and trainer-led destination workouts, with new ones added regularly plus learn cross-training moves, techniques, and tips along the way from you iFit trainer.
You can select the class, location, workout type, and trainer to take you through your workout in real-time. These curated workout sessions are designed to interact with the equipment. For instance, on a rower, there is AutoAdjust, an option that dynamically, adjusts the rowing machines’ stroke resistance to match the stoke rate of your instructor in real-time during a session. Likewise for a treadmill as the terrain changes so does your treadmills' running deck incline or downward decline and/or even speed — it's up to you, you can always make your own adjustments anytime.
These personal training features make it interesting but also challenges you to keep you on track, to hit your fitness and health goals, and encourages you to give it your best, all while making it more fun.
This way you can get your sweat-on and fit in some necessary exercise without the fuss — on your schedule, anytime, at home — no gym hassles and let's face it, gyms, they can sometimes be a little gross — a much lesser attractive option.
Below are some great options to consider. Remember being in shape is a Use it or Lose it proposition — the sooner you start doing cardio and strength workouts the better you’ll feel.
Rowing is one of the best workouts out there because it is a full-body exercise that can help build and tone muscles, improve cardiovascular function and increase stamina. Rowing is low-impact and easy on joints. If you're not into running and biking this one will get you results across the board from fat loss to body tone and cardio. Read our article on Rowing is Good for You — a Total Body Workout. And for those of you who do love to bike indoors or outside, rowing is a great compliment to work out the upper body.
NordicTrack RW900 and RW700 indoor Rowers
Brand new for this year — NordicTrack RW700 & New RW900 rowing machines (available to order now) — The original models fold to save space while the newer models can be stored vertically (upright) when not in use them.
All NordicTrack Rowing machines have interactive rowing classes powered by iFit designed specifically for an all-body workout rowing with elite instructors in the studio or on amazing waterways across the globe. AutoAdjust is a cool option where your iFit rowing instructor can dynamically adjust the machine’s stroke resistance to match what they are doing in a session, making it a more interesting and intense experience, and allows you to just focus on the rowing.
The RW600 and the RW700 come with a 10 and 14-inch full HD touchscreen respectively that syncs with the rowing machine to display your power stats in real-time plus, capture your workout data to show your progress. The RW900 rower, comes equipped with a wide 22-inch HD touchscreen. To Compare all the Rowers, follow link below.
iFit Coach & Trainer Anja Garcia - filming a studio class for Nordictrack Rowing machines
Nordictrack Fusion Studio
Strength training reduces body fat, increases lean muscle mass and burns calories more efficiently. Strength training also develops strong bones by increasing bone density to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It can also increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories. Strength training helps preserve and enhance your muscle mass at any age. Building muscle can also contribute to better balance. We are not talking about bulking up, but rather more about long-lean muscles that assist preventing injury and allow you to do the activities you love.
Strength training can reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes. And some research suggests that regular strength training and aerobic exercise may help improve thinking and learning skills.
You can see significant improvement in your strength with just two or three 20 or 30-minute weight training sessions a week.
You can strength train by lifting weights, using weight machines, push-ups and planks, resistance tubing, resistance paddles in the water, or activities such as rock climbing.
If you're looking to build long, lean, strong muscle like Tom Brady then the NordicTrack Fusion Studio is the equipment for you and it's getting rave reviews. Follow link NordicTrack Fusion CST in Action
The Fusion Studio from NordicTrack is an exciting new upgraded model to the Fusion CST exercise machine that creatively combines a high-energy cardio workout with low impact strength building in a single piece of equipment. Cardio & Strength fused together — the Fusion is a "Game Changer." At its core it features a flywheel paired with smooth magnetic resistance technology — a step-up compared to traditional clunky weight stacks you see at the typical gym. With four pairs of pulleys that are fixed at different heights the Fusion Studio facilitates smooth quick switching for a more fluid workout session without the need to take a break to make adjustments. Plus, it comes with a 10-inch tablet and professional trainers that keep you motivated to put in the maximum effort that gets you results. GET THE BEST FUSION CST DEAL
Cardio helps increase the strength of your heart and lungs. Cardio can help you improve your endurance during workouts as well. Cardio burns calories to help lose or keep off weight. Other benefits associated with doing cardio regularly are lowers stress levels, boosts energy, improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety and depression.
You can do many activities for cardio training including brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming, dancing, tennis, biking and many others. The best way to make sure you get your cardio in is to have a treadmill or bike in your home. Then you can work out when you make the time on your schedule.
NordicTrack T Series iFit enabled Entry Level Treadmills
The NordicTrack T 6.5 S treadmill is one of the best under $1,000 available. This treadmill is a great for light jogging, walking or occasional incline training up to 12% and easily folds-up to save space. GET THE BEST DEAL at Amazon.
Compare the T 8.5 S vs. T9.5 S Treadmills for more detail or compare T Series treadmills to the Commercial 1750 follow this link for the difference between the Commercial 1750 and the T 8.5 S treadmills.
The NordicTrack T Series Treadmills is the best pick
under $1,000 and up for power walking and light running
To enable easier, budgeting, Nordictrack has created a program called Nordictrack+ (Plus), where you commit to 48 monthly payments of iFit, and they immediately ship you a treadmill yours to keep FREE. No strings, No fees, with free delivery. Read the Nordictrack+ Review. Follow this link to learn more about the Nordictrack Plus Program.
Nordictrack Commercial 1750 with iFit
Is there a secret to burning more calories in less time? YES, and it’s called incline training. You can Burn 2 times the calories when you walk or run at a 15 percent incline. The Commercial 1750 treadmill provides a solid workout that delivers on the promise to burn more calories whether running or walking. This treadmill is our pick for multiple users or longer work-outs. With a stronger motor and lager roller size it's durable, sturdy plus has a space saver design for easy storage. And yes, those awesome Global Trek destinations with Elite iFit trainers available on the Commercial 1750 Treadmill.
Compare all Commercial series treadmills & Get the Best Price.
NEW Commercial 1750 Treadmill your pick for long runs and multiple users
NordicTrack Commercial X22i Incline Treadmill
Want to lose weight or get super fit? — then consider the Commercial X22i Treadmill or X32i model & Get the Power of the Incline. These INCREDIBLE machines have an unbelievable 40° incline plus supports a negative -6° decline to work your leg muscles, quad, glutes and hamstrings. These bestselling highly acclaimed treadmills will not disappoint. You'll have access to a wide selection of specifically designed studio and destination classes streamed a 22 or 32-inch full-HD touchscreen. If your serious about training or getting fit, you cannot go wrong with the Commercial Incline Treadmill Series which includes either the X22i or the X32 model.
GET THE BEST DEAL CLICK HERE to Compare all incline Treadmills
Burn up to 5 time the calories with a NordicTrack Commercial X22i or X32i Incline Treadmill
hi-tech Nordictrack S22i, or S15i spin bikes with high-energy Studio class workouts, streamed to the bike's wide 22-inch HD touchscreen console, so you can enjoy a studio bike class at home as if you were actually there
Nordictrack S22i or S15i Bike
The NordicTrack S22i is a hi-tech indoor bike with a 22-inch HD touchscreen, that brings the excitement of a studio or destination ride home, allowing you to experience a great ride. Your iFit trainer will let you know when it’s time to climb that hill or slope and your bike inclines, the resistance increases matching the terrain you're riding on or if in a studio what your instructor is saying. Feel the burning of more calories and experience a truly cool immersive ride.
You have an additional choice with the S15i Studio Cycle option, BUT with a smaller 14-inch touchscreen, and slightly more budget friendly offering. Still Includes 1 month of iFit with real-time trainer control. Nearly exactly the same as the S22i just a smaller touchscreen display.
The S15i Studio bike has all the same features as the S22i bike — the major difference is a smaller 14-inch screen vs. the 22-inch screen, 2 less resistance levels for a total of 22 levels. Everything else is the same including 1 month of iFit family membership and a pair of 3lbs. weights.
If you can make it work in your budget, go with the 22-inch screen. The wider screen is better all-around especially when doing off-the-bike classes.
If you want to find an exercise program at-home and enjoy biking, the NordicTrack S22i with iFit rides is a recommended buy. It will keep you from using excuses like it's a hassle to get to the gym or a class or a bike won’t be open – you can hit your fitness goals and get a workout in anytime on your schedule. The NordicTrack S22i takes you beyond the bike with full body cross-training classes streamed right to your bike's HD swivel display console.
NordicTrack S22i takes you beyond the ride at home with full body cross-training classes streamed to your spin bikes' display - The screen’s 360-degree swivel ability is a cool feature overlooked by Original Peloton bike
As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to exercise more. Want to aim even higher? You can achieve increased health benefits, including increased weight loss if you ramp up your exercise to 300 minutes a week.
Beware of the Chair
Reducing sitting time is very important, too. The more hours you sit each day, the higher your risk of metabolic problems, even if you achieve the recommended amount of daily physical activity. Be aware – set smartphone reminders and try to get up and walk for 2-10 minutes every hour – stretch a little. It's good for you to move. Read our Article on How a 2-minute Walk Helps Balance all that Sitting at a Desk.
A Good to know tip. If you are short on long chunks of time. Even brief bouts of activity offer benefits. For instance, if you can't fit in one 30-minute walk, try three 10-minute walks instead. Make regular physical activity part of your lifestyle.