7 ways to help you fall asleep

7 ways to help you fall asleep

1. Create your own Relax Routine

Create a pre-sleep routine like a warm beverage or a calming aromatherapy bath that you do regularly before bed.

create a daily ritual - A bath could be part of your daily relaxing-ritual before going to bed

2. Do some yoga before bed

Yoga is a way to unwind. Holding poses and focusing the breath can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, leaving you more relaxed.

yoga in bed - find your center and relax with some breathing exercises

3. Take a mini relax break during the day

Stressful, hectic days produce large amounts of hormones like adrenaline which may make you too stimulated to fall asleep.

mini relax break: Find a quiet space: Close your eyes and breathe in deeply through your nose for a count of four, then breathe out through your mouth for another four counts. Repeat until you feel relaxed.

4. Get out of bed

If 20 minutes has passed and you have not fallen asleep. Go into another room, and distract yourself.   Once you’re feeling sleepy, go back to bed.  Read a good book rather than turn the computer or tv on.

before going to bed read for a whileto fall asleep

before going to bed read for a whileto fall asleep

5. Avoid Napping

To get deep, restorative sleep, stay active. Go for a walk outdoors after dinner.



take a stroll around your neighborhood to relax before hitting the hay

6. Redecorate your bedroom

 Move the furniture, change the wall color or get new sheets. Even lowering the temperature can make your room into an oasis for sleep.

change is always good -Change up your sleeping environment. Paint a wall or all your walls - get some swatches select your color pallette

change is always good -Change up your sleeping environment. Paint a wall or all your walls - get some swatches select your color pallette

Redecorate with someone special - Photo Credit: Urban Outfitters

Redecorate with someone special - Photo Credit: Urban Outfitters

7. Have a bedtime snack

Don't wake up hungry during the night - have a light snack before going to bed.  Carbohydrate-rich snacks may be best because these foods likely increase the level of sleep-inducing tryptophan.  Best choices:  small bowl of cereal and milk, a few cookies, toast, or a small muffin.  Cookies and milk do fit in!

 try not to go to bed hungry -Chocolate Chip cookies-  tastes good, feels good - ok it's a comfort food but it will help you sleep better :)
ahhhhhh! - a glass of milk always good to wash down the cookies before going to bed

ahhhhhh! - a glass of milk always good to wash down the cookies before going to bed

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